Monday, 4 December 2017

The mysterious stranger

The book the mysterious stranger is a book by Mark Twain that’s set
in the Middle Ages, in a small remote village in Austria called
Eseldorf. In the book there are three boys called Theodor, Nickolas
and Seppi who are living normal lives. Until one day they meet a
mysterious boy who’s young, handsome, and beautifully dressed but
unknown to them he is Satan reincarnated. Throughout the book
there is a lot of which craft like when 11 school girls go missing and
where found burned at the stake. Towards the end farther peter is in
his trail when Satan enters with the body of wilhing meidling. The
attorney of defence who proves all the gold pieces but four where
minted in that year so farther peter could go free.
Through the book I enjoyed was how there was lots of twists and
turns with many different characters. I don’t like how the book
doesn’t actually finish so it finishes on a cliff hanger which I like in
most places but it’s annoying at the end of the book as you won’t
find out what happens.
Overall I think it’s a good read and interesting for people who like
witchcraft and like books set in the middle age but I would
recommend it because I prefer comical or funny books and it wasn’t
very entertaining.

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