Friday, 17 November 2017

To kill a Mocking Bird

To kill a mocking bird, by harper lee, is a thought provoking book told
in the view of a six year old girl named scout. The story is set in
Alabama and it is the story of scouts fathers dedication and courage
as a lawyer to defend a black man who has been accused of raping a
white woman. In the time of the book non-whites were seen as
inferior and where expected to respect the white people. However
this book isn’t all about racism it explores scouts childhood with her
and her sibling Jem. The story begins relatively slowly however it
picks up and becomes much more interesting. It is quite a difficult
read and at times quite emotionally challenging at times when it
shows some very racist language and actions. I think this book would
is best for late teens and all adults and I wouldn’t recommend the
book for anyone aged under 12 unless they are good readers and
have a very mature understanding of past racism. I would
recommend this book which despite the racism is a nice story about
a young child growing up.

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